"Gundam EX" from "Mobile Suit Gundam: Requiem of the Revenge", a worldwide exclusive release on Netflix, is now available! The high-density details and flexible action poses of the MS depicted in full CG are reproduced in 1/144 scale!
The characteristic precise details and shapes on the whole body are reproduced with the parts configuration unique to plastic models.
The ammunition belt connected to the shoulder Gatling uses soft parts to follow flexible movements.
Three beam saber grips are equipped on the backpack, and the movement of pulling them out can be reproduced.
The beam rifle can be suspended on the back via joint parts.
The shield is reproduced with high-density detail on both the front and back.
A dynamic display is possible by using the separately sold action base.
Markings on each part and unit marks can be reproduced using marking stickers.
Accessories: Beam rifle x 1, Beam saber (grip) x 3, Shield x 1, Hand parts x 1, Joint parts x 1, Stickers x 2